Scholarships and Memorial Funds
- The Michelle Gary Memorial Scholarship, named for a young VBC dancer who died in a house fire, recognizes exceptional achievement.
- The Tupine Memorial Scholarships are named for our Founding Directors, Tatiana Rousseau Tupine and Oleg Tupine. Both of the Tupine scholarships recognize exceptional dancers, where the Oleg Tupine scholarship specifically recognizes exceptional male students.
Tracy was a giving person and that was evident in the time she gave to her second and longtime home Virginia Ballet Company, where she trained, performed, raised funds for and taught classical ballet. From a young child until two months before her passing, Tracy was involved with Virginia Ballet substitute teaching, helping with rehearsal and even planned to reprise her role as the Evil Queen in the spring show of Snow White.
During her time at Virginia Ballet Tracy discovered her love for teaching young children and made the decision to go back to school. So she applied to George Mason University to earn her teaching degree. A few weeks after being diagnosed with brain cancer she received her acceptance letter in the mail. Excited and armed with her “I’ve got this…I can do this” attitude of determination she enrolled for fall semester classes.